Barbara Melvoin fell in love with school in first grade and shortly thereafter fell in love with stories. These two passions have guided her work ever since. Professionally she has been an educator for nearly three decades, teaching English for ten of those years and working with students as a college advisor for twenty-five years. Barbara served as Associate College Advisor at Deerfield Academy and Head of College Advising at Roxbury Latin, Commonwealth School (a one-year sabbatical replacement), and Belmont Hill.

In the college advising role her primary interests lie in asking questions, listening to students, and helping them understand and articulate their own stories. A Phi Betta Kappa graduate of the University of Michigan, Barbara earned a master’s degree in psychology and religion at Andover Newton Theological School. She is also a certified Life Coach through the Institute for Life Coach Training.
Barbara’s role within SSL draws on her schooling, counseling, and coaching backgrounds and focuses on several assessments that SSL offers: the Return on Character® Assessment, the Hogan Assessment package, and the Team Management Profile. Her belief in people’s ability to grow and change matches the philosophy of these three assessments where the emphasis is always on leadership growth and development. Barbara’s decades-long experience with meditation and Buddhist psychology further allows her to bring a calm, open-hearted presence to her work with people.
Barbara’s delight in and knowledge of independent school life also comes from her leadership roles as a member of the Administrative Committee (Roxbury Latin and Belmont Hill), Admissions Committee and Head of Community Service (Roxbury Latin), Registrar and Director of School Activities (Belmont Hill), and in her role as Head of School spouse (25 years at Belmont Hill).